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Rules may only be changed by league officers. All members and their respective parent/guardian may request to change any rule throughout the season. All suggestions will be reviewed by the coaches.


League Rules for 2014-2015 Season


  • Our league’s name is 20th Century Lanes: Youth Bowling League.
    Bowling will occur on Saturdays at 9:30am at AMF 20th Century Lanes.

    • Practice will begin at 9:15am.

    • Coaching sessions will be available at bowler request after league (Rule adjusted 2/7/15)

  • League Officers

    • League Supervisor: William Linden

    • League Official: Karen Reid

    • League Auditor/Advisor: Ron Spencer

  • Fees

    • $ 25.00 – One Time USBC Registration Fee; due by October 4th.(Required for all bowlers)

    • $10.00 - One Time USBC Registration Fee; due within 3 weeks of sign-up
      (adjusted pricing for all members joining AFTER the second quarter 1/6/15. Also includes changes to rewards)

    • Weekly fee is $5.00 for Pee Wee bowlers / $6.00 for Junior bowlers

    • Absent bowlers are responsible for their weekly $1.00 prize fund fee for their missed week(s)

    • The last two weeks of bowling MUST be paid in advance by week 9 (November 1st).


Bowlers who are three (3) weeks behind on lineage fees will receive a warning regarding suspension.
Bowlers who are four (4) or more weeks behind on fees will be suspended until their account is brought back to good standings, or arrangements are made for payment.


  • Season
    Our season will include 33 weeks of bowling, divided into four 8-week quarters; we will have an award banquet the 34th week. The 8th week of each quarter will determine quarterly winners.

    Week 33 will be the Championship Finale. Quarterly winners will bowl to be League Champion.
    Week 34 (May 9th) is our award banquet and open bowling for bowlers and parents.

    Our season starts September 6th, 2014 and ends May 9th, 2015.  In the event of bad weather, dates will change accordingly.


We will not bowl November 29th in observance of Thanksgiving.
We will not bowl on December 27th due to Winter Break at schools.


  • Non-bowlers and Non-coaches
    Bowlers, coaches, and approved registered volunteers are the only people allowed in the settee area during active league play and coaching. RV.s must be wearing their badges.


The ONLY exception to this rule applies to Pee Wee bowler parents. One parent per bowler may be in settee area with their Pee Wee bowler. The parent is allowed to help guide their bowler to the approach and to make sure their bowler is watching for their turn.

  • Bowler Etiquette (Please speak with a coach for clarification as needed)

    • Bowlers must remain in the settee area for the duration of league and coaching sessions. As always, bowlers are allowed to use the restroom between frames and games. We encourage parents to retrieve drinks and snacks during active league for their bowlers to eliminate unnecessary delays.

    • Food and/or drinks are to be left on the tables in the concourse or the counter behind the bowler’s area. Violations of this rule may result in a bowler suspended for the remainder of the day’s even

    • No offensive language/clothing. “If it’s not allowed in school, it’s not allowed here.”

    • Hats, hoods on sweatshirts, etc will be asked to be removed.

    • Bowler equipment must be organized in the bowler’s area. (Example: Shoes go in a cubby or under seats, not on counters, tables, or chairs)


  • Handicap
    Handicap for juniors shall be 100% of 200.
    Pee Wees will be 100% of 160.


  • Scoring

    • Juniors will bowl a 4-point system: 1-point per game and 1-point for series.

    • Pee Wees will bowl a 3-point system: 1-point per game and 1-point for series.

  • Position Round
    There will be four position rounds. If team points are tied for position rounds, a tie-breaker game must be bowled. Should that game be tied, (1) one additional frame must be bowled to determine a winner.


  • Averages
    All bowlers will establish a new average after the first (9) nine games. Juniors and Major/Seniors will use their ending average from the 2013-14 bowling season. New bowlers will set their average based on their first (3) three games. (Averages; USBC Rule 118)


  • Legal Line-up / Teams
    At least one member must be present to constitute a legal line-up. Teams will rotate lanes weekly. Teams will be set up TRIOS style; 3 member to a team. In the event of an odd number of bowlers, a vacancy score will be set in place each week.
    (See Vacancy Score rule below)


  • Vacancy Score/ Absentee
    Vacancy scores will be used for any team missing a full roster. The vacancy score will be 120 pins, used for all vacant spots. (Vacancy; USBC Rule 105) Absentee bowlers will be set as “blind” on their team and an absentee score will be used. The absentee score will be the absent bowler’s listed average minus 10 pins. (Absentee Score; USBC Rule 105)


  • Tardy
    A bowler arriving late may make up missed frames providing (3) three frames by all bowlers on the assigned pair of lanes have not been completed. Tardy bowlers will be allowed to join any active bowling at the start of the next game.
    Tardy bowlers will be allowed to bowl their missed games the same day, with coach approval. If you feel you are going to be late, please call or send a text to Coach William as soon as possible.
    (See Post-Bowl  for options to make up late games)

  • Pre-Bowl / Post-Bowl
    Pre-bowling by an individual will be allowed with coach approval. Pre-bowl games will not be eligible for any awards. Pre-bowl games must be completed before the next scheduled bowling date. Post-bowling will not be allowed.


  • SMART Scholarships
    To earn individual scholarship credit, a bowler must have bowled at least 33 games. Most improved bowler will be eligible after 21 games this season. Scholarship credits will be submitted in the name of the bowler at the end of the season with SMART.


Point are earned as follows:

1-point for each week bowled

2-points for earning Bowler of the Week

10-points for earning Bowler of the Year

1-point for any award earned while bowling

Points can be earned through academic excellence as well:

10-points for Perfect Attendance

8-points for less than 5 days absent

6-points for less than 10 days absent

  • Electronics (Phones, MP3 Players, Tablets, etc)
    Bowlers are not allowed to use their phones, mp3 players, tablets, or other electronics during active league times in the settee area or on the lane. Bowlers will receive one warning to remove the item for their first violation. A repeat violation will result in a suspension for the remainder of the current league day. Suspended bowlers will have their scores set to BLIND for the remainder of their games. Parents/guardians are highly encouraged to hold on to any electronics their bowlers normally have with them during league.
    (Electronics for medical needs are an exception)


  • Photography
    Coaches, center staff, and parents/guardians may take pictures of league in action. These images may be shared on the league Facebook page and league website. (Please see Acknowledgement of Rules page for questions or concerns regarding photography)

    We encourage you to share your Instagram pictures using the hashtag #TCYBL


  • Disciplinary Actions
    Violations of rules or endangerment of other bowlers may result in disciplinary action. Suspended bowler’s parents will be contacted regarding any action taken, pending review of the violation. Should the issue need the center’s involvement, you will be contacted by a coach prior to and after the discussion.


  • Non-covered rules
    Any rules not covered under these guidelines shall be governed by the rules of the USBC.


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